Monday, April 7, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me, Asian Style.

I'd like to know what you know about Asia and Asian culture.

Yes, I am aware that this is a huge topic. No, I don't want you to look anything up on the 'net. I just want to know what you know.

Spout what you know from World History. (This is a place for you to share what you KNOW, not to critique your former teachers.)

And what are some stereotypes held by your peers, family members, etc., in respect to individuals of Asian descent?


Alyssa Kole said...

Ok so, to be honest, I don't know very much about Asia and Asian culture at all.

Umm, some stereotypes that I know of from my peers are 'Asian people like rice, Asians are really smart, and if you ever see a tripped out Honda, it must belong to an Asian'.

But that's all I really have heard.

Autumn Higgins said...
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Margarita_on_the_Border said...

Well Asians do usually get away with everything but I usually do too and im defenantly not Asian. Girl Asians also tend to act like blondes and the guys try to be gangster. I guess they like rice but so does my mom. Based on what we saw on MTV (Americas Best Dance Crew) they are pretty hot dancers too. Most of them are kind of smart, even smarter than me. Maybe!!! Peace Out Yo!!

J_Roberts said...

I love asians! ♥
Umm..Asia is a large continent..Most asians are buhdist..Asian females are really girly and preppy.
Asians tend to have sterotypes such as the people who eat alot of rice..People who talk like choiyoiyoiyoing..and really smart people. Holla!!!

Anonymous said...

OK, imma keep it real in here. Asians are very smart. I like chicken fried rice from chinese restaurants. I dont have a "tripped out" Honda, but I would like one. I get away with just about everything, except in English class. And I would like to add that not all asians can dance.

cTate said...

Ok I don't know hardly anything about Asian culture which is sad because I have four very close Asian friends. Well they like rice, and Sachin doesn't eat meat but thats because of his religion. Stereotypes that I here are things like slanty eyes, and are smart, and drive tricked out cars.

JustinB said...

I think ninjas are part of Asian culture. Samurai is an Asian foot soldier. I know...
I love sushi, so that would be Asian.
I like Tokyo, I would especially like to visit there.

Brittany B said...

so my best friend is an asian and i have to be honest i don't really know much about their culture. all i really know is that there religion isn't really pushed for them to believe when they live here in america cause none of them really believe in buddha that live in the US. except for typically the older ones i believe..
or well none of my asian friends i don't think worship buddha, but hey, i could be wrong.

but i must say, all the asians i know are pretty crunk :) haha.