Friday, January 4, 2008

Fairness In Testing

Was your test on The Count of Monte Cristo a fair test?

How do you decide whether a test is fair or not? What criteria do you use? What criteria SHOULD you use?

And what's the difference, as far as tests are concerned, between "UNFAIR" and "FAIR, but HARD as ****?"


Margarita_on_the_Border said...

The test was fair but pretty hard. I think it was a little unfair to show us the movie before we took the test considering the book was so confusing in some parts and the movie only made the parts i didnt understand even more confusing.

If none of us understood the book and you (mr.t) didnt help explain it and then just threw a test out there then that would have been completly unfair and I would have defently had soomething to say about it.

There is a big difference between unfair and fair but hard as #$*&!
If we all understood the book and had went over the characters and confusing parts and then you gave us a $^%* hard test then I would understand that being fair. We need to be pushed on things especiallly in an honors class. What we see as hard now is going to be nothing when we get in college. Its good to prepare now for what is going to come in the future.

FYI I think it would have helped alot and been alot mo betta is you did go over the things we didnt understand each time we read a secton but I know that is hard when people dont read the book. (no offense) You know how it goes!!! ♥

Anonymous said...

The test on Friday was the most difficult test I have taken in any English class. I agree wit that girl before me when she said there were a few confusing parts.
My criteria is favorable to me which it shouldn't be. I think it should be enough to make it a challenge and this test was a challenge for me. The test was fair because this is what should be expected from a honors composition class.
I would have done better if I didn't leave my "A-Game" at home on test day.

Autumn Higgins said...

I think that the test was fair but it was tough. You did everything in your power to help us. You asked if anyone had questions, you went over what we read each night and you told us to prepare because we had a huge test coming up on the book. Now if you hadn't done all that I wouldn't think that taking such a hard test would be fair.
I like that you gave us a writing test and not just a multiple choice test because in my mind multiple choice tests aren't fair. They don't really test what you know but rather that you memorized the right answer.
Mr. Thomasson I think that you have the whole fair but hard as**** thing down pat but I think I like that type of testing so keep up the hard work!! =)

robert said...

the test on the count of mote cristo was very fair it had very simple questions that i could answere or any one could answere as long as they read the book. i think the way you decide the way a test is fair is by seeing if it has questions that arent overly easy to were any one can answer but not to hard to were the people who read the book have a hard time answering the question.

**Mich@el** said...

I think the test was kind of wierd. Nothing personal but, why didnt we just answer some simple questions that haves one specific answer? the questions where designed to explain the situation you were talking about to get to the main point. Which wasted alot of my precious time. The movie was great, one of the best I've seen in a minute. The book on the other hand was dumb as H***!!!

cTate said...

Now that I have my grades back and see how I did compared to everyone else I would say it wasn't fair. I mean the questions were fair and were easy for me to answer but the grades that some people got were unfair. It seemed like people who read the book made worse then people who din't. I personally read the book and made a good grade, so it doesn't really bother me because I could care less what the slackers who didn't read made. However, I did feel that it was unfair for the people who really read and made bad.

It is hard to say what makes a test hard. I would agree with margarita when she said that if you didn't explain the book that it would be unfair. If the teacher was to give me a book to read and I do then he/she gives a test on something different then that would be unfair. But I don't think the "Test" can be unfair it would be the teacher giving the test.

Alyssa Kole said...

I think that Cline made a good point when he said "I don't think the Test can be unfair, it would be the teacher giving the test." I believe that is true; If you would have given us a test you did not properly prepare us for, I would have found it unfair. I think that the test was difficult, and it took a bit of time to answer the questions. And as far as saying the people who didn't read the book made better than the people who actually read, that could be true. Because, in order to do go on that test, you had to have reading comprehension skills AND writing skills. Which made the test have a more difficult format, as compared to a multiple choice test. I thought the test was challenging, but in the end I wasn't too disappointed with my grade.

I do have to say that I liked the movie much better though =)


Justin =D said...

I agree with margarita, who ever that is, that the test as pretty hard but it was fair. The test was a bit confussing, but I read it at the last minute so yea. The book was good, but I dont like long books. I know im a looser, but thats just me.

Brittany B said...

i thought the test was very hard, considering you know i didnt read all the book.. but still i think if i would've it would've still been hard but not AS hard :]

the whole grading thing i didn't like though cause i feel like since you knew i didn't read the book you graded me tougher than others mayber, cause i know someone [i wont call out names] who didn't read a page in the book and only watched the movie made a VERYYYYYYYYY good grade, and you didnt even know they didn't read the book. i asked that person, "well how did you answer the questions?" and they replied by watching the movies, i just used those answers which i didnt quite understand how that could work and they make that good of a grade. along with the person said they asked some people about the questions on the test.. which isn't fair, since you specifically told us not to do that..

oh well i guess, its done and over now. but that cheater i doubt will get far in life..

-glad to know i've got to vent now :) i feel better!

ryan doty 3 said...

I think the test was fair. It was difficult but nothing you couldnt do. If you read the book and new the material then you should have done well. The way to se if the test was fair is by seing the test results. You can see that all the people who finished the book did well on the test and the people who didnt finish didnt do as well. It was pretty hard but I was pleased with it.

J_Roberts said...

Well the test was not fair because my grade was unfair. you said that I only used the movie as a resource. You never said we had to use the book except in two of the questions. I did use the book on one of those therefore, what you told me was untrue. I think fair testing is testing on what you have been taught on the subject. If the directions are not clear like oin this test, it is unfair and retesting should be an option. Now that I've got that out of my mind..I'm sorry to say this is my last post before I change classes. It's been real. Peace Out Homie!

L_S_W said...

The test was fair, but even though i felled i think that if i had read the book more i would have gotton way better. but yea it was fair i just needed to read a little bit more. There was times that i did get confused, but mosley it was on the parts that i read

claymitchell11 said...

NO!!! I don't think it was because the book was to hard and long. It was a good book but to long and hard.

Chelz said...

Yes i think that the ttest was very hard . but i guess if you read the book then you would say it wasn't!

Daniel Wooten said...

The test was neither difficult or unfair for me, but it may have been for others. The only fault that I found with the test was remembering who was who in the book for the questions concerning identities in the book.