Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Chestnuts Roasting or Whatever.

What things or occurences do you associate with this time of year...the "holiday season"?

For argument's sake, we'll define "the holiday season" as the time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day.

And weigh in (tell me your opinion) on what you think about stores putting up Christmas decorations in mid-October. Does it help set the Christmas season in motion for you? Or is it obnoxious?


Anonymous said...

....The things I see during this season would be "holiday season" lights and decorations in and outside of houses. I also associate the Holidays with the spirit of employees at stores and teachers at KMHS. Some teachers dress with Christmas related pictures.
....The holidays are pretty cool, because some stores have free candy or free cookies.
....I don't get out much,so I wouldn't know much about the decorations in stores. But, there is one thing that annoys the urine/deuces out of me, and that is the little singing Santa's and Christmas Trees. The ones that start singing a Christmas song every time you pass it and it automatically triggers itself. It makes me want to "clock" Santa right in the head or burn the plastic tree down. Other than that, the Holidays are shiznit and the singing things are the shiznot.

J_Roberts said...

First of all may I say Sachin is a nut? I think decorating houses for the holiday season is wonderful. I think of carolers singing Christmas songs and the rush of last miute shoppers. I think putting up decorations early gets people in the mood for the upcoming holiday season. I do get out alot, so I know how things are around Christmas. I love seeing children run around happily ready to see what Santa is bringing for Christmas. And anyone who wants to hit Santa can just crawl in a hole. Santa Claus is real!!! Happy Holidays!

Autumn Higgins said...

I absolutley love the holidays, and seeing the stores set out Christmas decorations just helps me to get in the mood. My family usually puts up our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving and it almost seems as though a warm happiness fills our house. It amazing the way peoples attitudes change when the holidays arrive. It's almost like everyone took a happy pill. I love seeing Santa Clause at the mall and going to Macadenville to see the lights, and my all time favorite thing about Chritmas is when on christmas morning my little sister comes and shakes me awake and we run down the stairs together to see our living room filled with all kinds of goodies!


**Mich@el** said...

I think stores try and get people in the spirit, but not the spirit people think. the stores try to get us in that buy, but, buy spirit before we soon realize that the gift might not have all that great. I most personally think that the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is like the best time of a human life no lie. seriously people really dont get me in the holiday cheer mode, I normally get myself in that mode.

cTate said...

I am a christian and what i do during the christmas season is mainly centered around Jesus' birth. We put up the tree and lights, and wait for the 25th to arrive so we can open gifts. I agree with Sachin about the stupid things that sing. My grandmother puts those things up all around her house at christmas time and it seams like I can't get away from them when I go to see her. I think that the artificial trees that most people use now are pointless. My family goes to the mountains to get ours and when we bring it into the house it fills it with the best smell in the world. That smell is what puts me in the christmas mood every year.

Anonymous said...

I just want to clarify that when I said I hated the Christmas trees, I meant the singing Christmas trees, not the real one u put in your house. (My bad)

Chelz said...

I love the this time of year! Every one should! Also i'm a christain and we celebrate the birth of our dear savior and lord ong his bithday on the 25th December.At our house we alays put up the christmas tree and light outside our house, right after thanksgiving and i agree with everyone those stupid trees alwys get one by nerves this time of year. Also people forgetting the real meaning of Christmas!

Margarita_on_the_Border said...

I think that the time of year between Thanksgiving and New Year's is the most wonderful time of the whole year. Christmas time brings out happiness in even the grumpiest of people. The festive lights, beautiful Christmas trees, the warmness in everyones hearts, and the real meaning behind Christmas just makes this time of year perfect. I think that store and home decorations are wonderful. They put everyone in the mood for Christmas and Winter time. And who could forget about all the yummy food you get to eat!!! YUUUUMMMM!!!

Do you believe???

robert said...

during this time of year i associate the holidays with people being more generouse and kind to each other. I also associate it with past winters when i was a kid and remember all the great times i have had with my family and all the great xmas'es we have had. I have always loved going to the stores and seeing them putting up decorations for christmas it just helped me feel the holiday spirit better.

Alyssa Kole said...

Hmmm, ok so I hate the whole idea of Santa Clause, and flying raindeer and all that shiz. All that stuff is one big lie that you tell to little kids, and you make them believe in something so much, and them they grow up to find out that "mommy and daddy" are liars. I just don't see the point in telling kids all that stuff. I think MOST decorations are tacky, but i do love christmas lights, and REAL christmas trees. Those are pretty great.

And I will admit that I do love cute little elf men :)


Justin =D said...

I like the Holiday spirit. I like how they set up the beutiful "mad in China" Christmas orderments, with the hint of Cinnamon flavour that just arived from the factors. The the real treat is the Santa Clause with this fake beard, and his ruffly fabricated clothing that sits there as the children arives. When they do they get a great knowledge of lies spat into there face. I love to emphisies how the Malls are filled with mimarcy ( sorry for the aweful spelling) of the North Pole. Ohh, and yes, it sets the Holiday in motion.

Brittany B said...

I personally love the holiday season :) the weekend after thanksgiving we always go get a christmas tree in the mountains or either put up a fake one.. which i'm against!!! i HATE fake christmas trees with a passion. christmas is by far my favorite holiday, because like ashton said, it does bring out the best in people. christmas is a time where lots of people start being nicer and giving to others [even though it should be done ALL year long] but even if its just for a little its always better than never doing it :]

christmas holiday is the best! :)

ryan doty 3 said...

I agree with robert on most of the things he said. Unfortanitly I do disagree with his statement on santa claus. Sorry budy but santa claus isnt real. Christmas is about jesus. I like the holiday season though. Everyone is nice and excited and getting ready for christmas and that is wat I do. I celebrate the bith of my savior jesus christ.

claymitchell11 said...

I think the holidays are a great time for the joy of people sitting down and having a family meal.

Daniel Wooten said...

During christmas time, I commonly see christams trees, lights, yard decorations, food, and last minute shopping. The one thing I absolutely hate seeing is when people go to extreme lengths to make their house look good, while simultaneously degrading the true meaning of christmas.
I personally feel that it is extremely annoying to see christmas decorations up for sale before halloween has even begun.