Monday, November 5, 2007

Crazy Is As Crazy Does

As an extension of our intense political discussion today, I'd like to ask you all...

What makes someone or something crazy? How do we recognize "crazy" people?

Is there more than one kind of crazy?

Are all crazy people dangerous? What about the inverse--are all dangerous people crazy? What about people who do destructive things to you and your family and your country? Was Hitler crazy? Is Bin Laden? What about the dictators you're studying for your genocide projects?

Finally, Dave Chapelle says that calling someone "crazy" is the worst thing you can call them. He says it's dismissive; it means "I don't understand you, so you're crazy." Is he right about using the word crazy to dismiss people you don't understand?

What effects can using that word have on the target? (How would you respond to being called crazy?)

Think about it. Write about it.



Anonymous said...

To call someone crazy in a literal tense would be saying that they are mentally disturbed. You could call someone crazy if they walked up to you on a busy street and started rubbing up and down your leg.
There are two types of crazy, when someone does something really stupid just for laughs and the other is when someone does something stupid because that's the way they are.
A crazy person can only be called dangerous by the intensity of their craziness and how it reflects to their crazed actions. On T.V., if you see a bomb occurrence you might call them crazy. But those people are not crazy, they know exactly what they're doing and cause harm on purpose just to prove thier views. You may call Hitler and Bin Laden crazy, but I think they were in their right state of mind and were not "retards." They were expressing their views on the peolpe they hated or were jealous of.
Dave Chappelle is a beast at comedy and a beast at defining the word crazy. I agree with his opinion and he has a grrreat reason to believe that way.

$achin Patel - AKA - Sachin Patel

robert said...

I think being crazy means that you do stupid things for no particular reason because it is fun. Being crazy does not mean that you are stupid or want to kill some one. Another type of crazy is someone who is doing something that can hurt someone because they just dont care.

cTate said...

I don't really know if any one is really crazy because I think that crazy is sometimes misinterpreted as a difference in points of view. For example Bin Laden and his followers think that we are like the great satin or something, because that is the way they have been brought up to think like. While we on the other hand think that it is not right for them to do what they did, because that is the American mindset. Therefore most Americans call Bin Laden crazy for attacking us, but if you step back and think about it he is smart because he got past the security to attack us.
Another example is religion one of my friends is a Hindu and I am a Christian. I have heard people call him crazy for believing what he does and at first I thought he was too. But as I have gotten to know him I realize that he and I just have different ideas on what is right and what is wrong.

HuHs BaNd Of GoLd 132 said...

no I dont really think that crazy people are danferous. However it depends on the type of crazy. People that are destructive I are kinf of dangerous however I dont think that Hilter is crazy his strategy to get what he wanted was extremely hurtful and ridiculous but he was definetly not crazy he was very smart.I beleieve that Dave was right on what he said.

Daniel Wooten said...

In the real world, there are many ways to define crazy. If you were to ask any person on the street, you would probably get a description of somebody they know that acts very differently than them. So just what defines crazy? Crazy is defined as anything that meets a certain set of criteria as defined by the DSM-4(a really big book that defines all mental illnesses and their diagnoses), or anything outside the normal percieved by the person(s) who lays down these rules.

So will this define Hitler of Stalin as crazy? While i do believe that both of the aforementiod men were very dangerous and killed a lot of people. Personally; I believe that they were not crazy, but instead power-hungry individuals with severe paranoia in some cases. However, in the case of Bin Laden he was swso devoted to his faith that he came to believe that his religion was the true religion, and as such launched a war on supporters of other religions.

Dave Chapelle was right in his saying that calling someone crazy was the ultimate insult. By calling someone this you would be saying that they are the complete opposite of society, even though with the diversity of society we can't be too sure of the objectiveness of the insult.

please email any comments here

ryan doty said...

To me being crazy is to be either completley stupid or to be mentaly disturbed. It is not right to call people like hitler or ben laden crazy. They are not stupid nor mental. They are actually very smart. I do not agree with what they did but crazy people cant do that kind of thing. They killed innocent people out of pure evil. Crazy people are just dumb.

Margarita_on_the_Border said...

It completly depends on how you interpret the word CRAZy. I call myelf crazy because I like to do fun crazy things. People like Ben Laden and Hitler are crazy in a psych kind of way. They get pleasure out of torturing and killing innocent people. I don't care what anybody says, they are mentally disturbed and crazy. I admit, they have a way of using their smartness (is that a is now) but its not in a good way. Its being used in a crazy, mentally disturbed, psycho kind of way. I believe that there are different levels of crazyness. The normal not afraid to have fun crazy, the coming up to you on the side of the road and rubbong your leg kind of way like Sachin said, and the Hitler and ben Laden crazy. But it all comes back to how you interpret the word CRAZY.

J_Roberts said...

I think being crazy is a state of mind. Crazy is doing something to intentionally hurt someone. Most crazy people are dangerous, while some are not. There are some poeple in our class that I may classify as crazy. I dont think Hitler and Bin Laden were crazy. They had to be reaally smart to do the things they did. Even though we might not want to admit it, they are some of the most intelligent people in the world.

**Mich@el** said...

when people call each other crazy now days it doesnt mean that there mind is insane and trying kill everything in sight or something wierd like that. what we mean by crazy to day is when people do things on purpose the look stupid or make a joke of something.

Brittany B said...

I think the whole crazy thing gets mis-interpreted all the time. Back in the olddd days I feel sure crazy meant you had something mentally wrong with you, and need professional help. But nowadays when someone says "your crazy" it can mean multiple things. For example that your just outgoing and have fun, or you've gone dumb for the day or something. People constantly use it for different things though. I personally have different opinions on the whole crazy thing, and who i think is actually crazy, and who i just call crazy.

Chelz said...

i agree with ryan. You can't tell me that hitler was crazy , because you would onlybe saying that because you are mad you didn't think of something to help yourself . Now he is not right for what he did but he was very intelligent.

Alyssa Kole said...

I'm remembering our political discussion from way back when, and this was my reply to it:

To call Hitler "crazy" would be a completely ignorant thing to say.
He was a brilliant man. His brilliance is what helped to make him as famous as he is. Keep in mind you can be famous in a positive or a negative sense. To say that Hitler was a genious would be true. However, it would also be true to say he was a very very sick, twisted, and wrong man.
If only he could have put his powerful mind to something constructive, maybe we could be closer to world peace today.


Justin =D said...

Hello ahhh crazy people, well if you crazy i think you have a scence of controll of what your doing, but if you phycodic( i can't spell, but any who) you have not reactiong to what your doing. In a crazy persons mind( im not crazy) but, im sure, they see the world as something else and the actions that they got through with would be to help, but in realitly it's only going to hurt. In other ways a Phyco would have no feelings, and less emotions, but in time they are less likly to change for the good. Crazy people would probably have a more of a success rate. If I'm wrong please explain, but if you dont then i wont know.
Justin Bearden♣

claymitchell11 said...

Being crazy to me is doing something that all your friends and most people would call crazy.