Monday, October 29, 2007

Stille Nacht, Kristallnacht

What are your initial reactions to your reading of Night?

Is is legendary? Just pretty good? Does it stink?

Why do you say so?



Alyssa Kole said...

I think Night is a really great book.
The detail is a bit gruesome, but that's the Holocaust for you.

I have probably had the worst weekend of my entire life, but reading this book has made me realize what a spoiled little girl I am, and that I should never complain about anything... ever.
Because I don't have a hard life at all; the people in that book did.


cTate said...

My intitial reactions to this book were not good because I had to read it over the weekend. However, as I began to work my way through the book I started to like it.

I think that over all it was a great book. It had really good details, and had a great story line. The only part that I didn't like was when his father died so close to their freedom.

This book has made me relize how lucky I am to have food and family.

Autumn Higgins said...

I didn't like this book at all. It was written very well but I don't like to read books that are negative and depressing such as this one.

Anonymous said...

I thought this book was great. It was one of the better understandable books i have read since i already had somewhat of the historical background. It had descriptive details about how brutal the stay was at the camps and on the trains.
It would be good if our next novel is just as good as the 2 we have already read.

manit33 said...

Night is an extraordinary book, because it desribes the brutality of the victims during the 1940's on the German death camps.

I dont know if the book should be a really remembered, but the holocaust should be.

I think that some people will remeber this book, ohh well, I probably will.

B-rooke__L said...

My initial reactions to reading Night are shocked and sad. I thought it was a good book but it makes me sad knowing that people actually went through that kind of stuff. I hear about it all the time but I guess it never really registered until I heard about it in detail through a point of view from someone who actually indured that kind of suffering. I think the book tells about what really happened and is very informative. I think everybody should be required to read it so we can learn from our mistakes in the past and not repeat them in the future.

J_Roberts said...

My intial reaction was not good for the book, because I missed the fact that we had to read the book over the weekend. But as I began reading the book, I felt thankful for all the things that I have. Just having a home to go to is more than the Jews did.
But, I liked the other books better because they didnt require me to be open about my feelings!

robert said...

I thought the book night was preaty good. I didn't really get to enjoy it that much because I had to read it so fast but I did like it all togehter. The details the author goes into makes it seem like you are right there inside the concentration camps.

Daniel Wooten said...

I think that the book night is a very good book. It gives you a personal look into the holocaust and what happened to the victims of the holocaust. This book showed me another view on life in the holocaust. this book had an excellent build up in it, leading to the different parts of the end.

ryan doty said...

I thought NIGHT was very good. My initial reaction was sad though. The event that took place in this book were very serous and true. It made me feel bad reading it because I knew stuff like this really happened. I loved the book though. At first I wasnt to excited about reading it bout when I got finished I was glad I did.

Margarita_on_the_Border said...

I hate having to be made to read books. I like to pick what I read for my own enjoyment and not have to read something just to make a decent grade on the stupid test that is given. Even though I was forced to read this book I do have to say I that I really did enjoy it. Its hard to understand how lucky you are until you read something like Night. It really opened my eyes to understand how terrible the Holocaust was. Its hard to believe that people could live with themselves after doing the terrible things that they did to the victoms of the Holocaust. And by the way I still believe that Hitler was a psycho and mentally had some kind of diturbance. A person in their right mind would never find enjoyment in killing and tourturing other individuals.

**Mich@el** said...

i think that book is legendary in its own way. i mean its probably not as famous as that Anne Frank stuff but its a pretty good description of what the jews went through to. if everybody just could read the book once i dont think they would regret reading it becuase once it captures your mind you cant stop reading it

Brittany B said...

So we read this book forever ago it seems like, but I do remember telling you when I finished it I didn't really like it.. the only reason I didn't was because it made me depressed and think about things more seriously. Even though I say I didn't like it, I did. I just didnt like the way it all had to end, I feel like the Holocaust should've never happened, but it did and now we have to learn about the horrible things that happened during that time..

Just like in the book Night, the father got so close to the end, and fought for so long, and still didn't make it..

Chelz said...

This book was really sad and i didn't really like it!
I was really depressing and dristerbing.

claymitchell11 said...

the book night was a sad one for me and i liked it but the holocaust was just so sad.