Monday, October 22, 2007


We didn't quite finish our discussion of loneliness on Friday.

Therefore, I want you to weigh in on the ideas we talked about:

Can you be lonely without being alone?

How can loneliness make you serene? How about sonorous? Isn't that a paradox (a contradiction of terms)? Serene means peaceful and quiet; sonorous means resonant, loud, powerful. How can loneliness cause both?

You may respond to my questions, or respond to your classmates' answers. Please be respectful of both this forum and your classmates. Use standard English in your responses (not IM speak).

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Happy writing.


HUHS BAND OF GOLD_123 said...

I think that an individual can be lonely without being alone. You can be in a big crowd but feel so alone that you dont even notice that they are around. Lonliness makes me feel serene because I dont have any distractions that will hender me from thinking. I feel powerful and sonorous when I am alone because when I am in crowd of my peers im very soft spoken with a very timid personality.

Margarita_on_the_Border said...

I think you can feel alone even when you are surrounded by people. Feeling lonely and being alone are two different things. Physically you can be sitting alone in a room, but being lonely is something you feel inside of you, an emptyness that can't be feeled by seeing people around you.

B-rooke__L said...

Yes, I think you can be lonely without ever being alone. Like when a lot of people are going through hard times and they think they are the only ones going through it; they think nobody else feels that way. So they feel lonely. Loneliness can make you serene because it gives you a quiet time where you can think, reflect, and meditate. It can make you sonorous because some people are incapable of being alone and will go crazy. It creates a "deadly" silence that can sometimes sound like a loud ringing. It really depends on the person and their mood as to whether they are serene or sonorous.

Autumn Higgins said...
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Autumn Higgins said...

Yes, I think that you can be lonely even when you're not really alone. You can be around a lot of people and still feel alone because without even realizing it you’re focusing so much on that one thing that’s causing you to be lonely that you don't realize that you are separating yourself from everyone, which is causing you to become even lonelier. I've noticed that I have done that plenty of times. Loneliness can make me feel serene because I can just focus and be calm.

Daniel Wooten said...

What is loneliness?
Loneliness is a condition of the human mind and the delusions that occur within it. Serenity and sonorous,when seen in this manner, are caused by the mind itself. To be lonely is commonly defined by a single person with no one around him/her, yet for sometime now I have seen loneliness in people who are always surrounded by many people.

Why do we feel alone?

It is my personal belief that loneliness is caused by part of the soul not feeling complete in it's surroundings. This can be from an emotional shock, or merely a lack of emotions.

Why does loneliness make us serene?

To be serene means to be peaceful and quiet. Is this this a result of being lonely? Will a lonely person end up quiet and passive in nature? I have always felt that a lonely person would become either reclusive or sonorous in nature, depending on the personality that they started with.

Why does loneliness make us sonorous?

To be sonorous means to be loud and powerful. Could this be caused by loneliness also? Might this be the only way that someone who is truly lonely feels the he/she can reach out to others? To be sonorous, or so it seems to me, is caused by the person becoming repressed by their loneliness. In a vain attempt to associate with others, they might become demanding or controling in their actions. This consequential action has occured many times throughout history, as in the cases of several dictators and serial killers.

can these two results occur simultaneously in the same person?

no. I don't believe that the far ends of a broad spectrum of loneliness could ever occur in the same person at the same time. It would truly be a paradoxical event if this were to occur simultaneously. Why would someone quiet be outspoken at exactly the same time, because it is physiological improbability that this would occur.

Daniel Wooten

robert said...

being lonely to me means that you have no one to talk to or hang out with. I do believe loneliness makes you serene because you have no one to talk to, but I also think that if you have been lonely for a while and then you aren't lonely it makes you sonorous because you finnaly have someone to talk to and tell all the things you have been holding in so you become loud and talkative.

Alyssa Kole said...

You can be completly surrounded by people and feel lonely. Loneliness is not determened by the number of people you are with, but by the number of people you connect with. In most cases, people do not like another person just for the simple fact that they are a person. There are so many different types of people in this world, and that is why it is so unique when you find a person who you can be comfortable with; someone who can take your feeling of loneliness away. Human beings need relationships with one another, that is the factor that determines how you will feel in a large crowd of people, or with a single individual.

However, I feel that everyone needs to be alone once in a while, or else they would lose their sanity. We all need time to collect our thoughts, and make important desicions. Sometimes we need to be alone so we can come to peace with ourselves, or a difficult situation we have encountered.


Brittany B said...

I have to agree with what Alyssa said in her last little paragraph. You do need to be completely alone at times in your life just to make sure you can do it. Some people have a hard time just sitting there with no communication with the rest of the world.

Being alone and being lonely though i feel is two completely different things. Being alone is when you physically choose to be by yourself not talking to anyone else, or being in the presence with anyone else. Being lonely i feel is not by choice. Loneliness is a hard thing for most people, because it typically happens when someone important to you leaves. Whether that be you break up with someone or they pass away.

I believe everyone needs to realize the differences between the two, and be alone from time to time.

manit33 said...

hey I change my from JUSTINB
I think that you can be in a room full of people and still be lonely. Lonely is what you feel inside, and what you think. Lonley is like a disease because you can't get rid of it, until you interact and become sociable. Feeling of loneliness can make you get to know yourself better... Well I think so, anyways lonely in bold to your mind, and create you into something new.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In my opinion, to be lonely is to be bored out of your mind. Lonliness comes from your actions toward others. If you sit back and are serene, then there wont be much enthusiasim in your life. And for the sonorous people, nobody likes loud and annoying people. As you can determine, lonliness isn't innate behavior, it is your wrongdoings.

cTate said...

I believe that it can be serene because when you are alone it is quiet. I think that if you are alone for a while then you would have alot to say so that would make you sonorous as well. If you are lonely you can be in a room with lots of people and feel like no one understands.

cTate said...
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cTate said...
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J_Roberts said...

I think an individual can be very lonely without being alone. To me, lonely is when you feel like an outcast and you feel that you are not wanted. On the other hand, alone is wanting to be left by yourself in peace. Speaking from my experiences, being lonely can make you serene, but I don't beleive you become sonorous. To me, a sonorous life is for people who have no fear.

ryan doty said...

I think you can be lonely even if you are not alone. If you are feeling bad about someting or are feeling like nobody likes you then you are lonely. No matter if you are surrounded by thousands of people.

**Mich@el** said...

I think everybody at some point in time has to be alone to regain there senses or to refresh their mind or something. but being lonely is totally different becuase you want company around you but something is stoping the way.

claymitchell11 said...

I think that people beening lonely is bad for the mind, heart and body.

Chelz said...
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