Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Chestnuts Roasting or Whatever.

What things or occurences do you associate with this time of year...the "holiday season"?

For argument's sake, we'll define "the holiday season" as the time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day.

And weigh in (tell me your opinion) on what you think about stores putting up Christmas decorations in mid-October. Does it help set the Christmas season in motion for you? Or is it obnoxious?

Monday, November 26, 2007


Did Jamal miss those 2 free throws on purpose? Why do you think so?

Monday, November 5, 2007

Crazy Is As Crazy Does

As an extension of our intense political discussion today, I'd like to ask you all...

What makes someone or something crazy? How do we recognize "crazy" people?

Is there more than one kind of crazy?

Are all crazy people dangerous? What about the inverse--are all dangerous people crazy? What about people who do destructive things to you and your family and your country? Was Hitler crazy? Is Bin Laden? What about the dictators you're studying for your genocide projects?

Finally, Dave Chapelle says that calling someone "crazy" is the worst thing you can call them. He says it's dismissive; it means "I don't understand you, so you're crazy." Is he right about using the word crazy to dismiss people you don't understand?

What effects can using that word have on the target? (How would you respond to being called crazy?)

Think about it. Write about it.


Monday, October 29, 2007

Stille Nacht, Kristallnacht

What are your initial reactions to your reading of Night?

Is is legendary? Just pretty good? Does it stink?

Why do you say so?


Monday, October 22, 2007


We didn't quite finish our discussion of loneliness on Friday.

Therefore, I want you to weigh in on the ideas we talked about:

Can you be lonely without being alone?

How can loneliness make you serene? How about sonorous? Isn't that a paradox (a contradiction of terms)? Serene means peaceful and quiet; sonorous means resonant, loud, powerful. How can loneliness cause both?

You may respond to my questions, or respond to your classmates' answers. Please be respectful of both this forum and your classmates. Use standard English in your responses (not IM speak).

In order to post to this blog, you need to join the "blogger" world. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Click on the "# Comments" link right under the blog you wish to respond to.
2. On the page it brings up, click on the "Create a Google Account" button.
3. Fill out the required fields. Remember your name & password; I will not have them. I would like for your posting name to be your first name and last initial, so we can all be clear on who is who.
4. After you finish this, it should take you back to the place where you can respond.
5. Respond. :)

Please take this seriously.

Happy writing.

Friday, October 19, 2007


This blog will be an interactive site, hopefully to elicit responses about literature. I want to extend "Thomasson World" outside room 114, and this is a good place to do it.

Some assignments will be posted here--things to think about, to respond to, etc.

You will, of course, use things like appropriate, Standard English and respect for your classmates when posting to this blog. I look forward to seeing whether this idea will work. Can't hurt.
